Tree Trimming

Trim Oaks in the Summer

Why you want Flintridge Tree Care to Trim Your Oaks in the Summer.

818) 952-5300

Maintaining the health and aesthetics of your oak trees is crucial for a vibrant and thriving landscape. One key aspect of oak tree care is regular trimming, and many experts recommend doing this during the summer months. Here’s why summer is the optimal time for trimming your oaks.

1. Enhanced Healing with Warm Sap Flow

One of the primary reasons to trim your oak trees in the summer is the increased sap flow. During the warmer months, the sap in oak trees flows more readily. This increased sap flow helps the tree to heal more efficiently after trimming. The sap acts like a natural bandage, sealing off the wound created by the trim and reducing the risk of infection or disease.

The warm weather promotes faster drying and hardening of the sap, which further aids in protecting the tree from external threats. This accelerated healing process ensures that your oak tree recovers quickly and continues to grow healthily.

2. Improved Defense Against Insects and Fungus

Summer trimming also helps oak trees bolster their defenses against insects and fungus. When you trim your oaks in the summer, the rapid healing process minimizes the exposure of fresh wounds to pests and pathogens.

Insects such as oak borers and beetles are less likely to infest a tree that heals quickly because there is a smaller window of opportunity for them to exploit the fresh cuts. Similarly, fungi that can infect open wounds are less likely to take hold if the tree can seal off the cuts promptly.

3. Reduced Stress for the Tree

Trimming oaks in the summer can also reduce stress on the tree. During the warmer months, oak trees are in their active growth phase. This means they have more energy and resources available to deal with the stress of trimming. By contrast, trimming during the dormant winter months can be more stressful for the tree, as it has fewer resources available to heal and recover.

4. Aesthetic and Structural Benefits

Regular summer trimming can also help maintain the aesthetic and structural integrity of your oak trees. By trimming during the growing season, you can shape the tree more effectively, promoting a balanced and attractive form. Removing dead or weak branches during the summer also reduces the risk of storm damage, as the tree is better able to withstand strong winds and heavy rains.

5. Promoting Overall Tree Health

Overall, summer trimming promotes the long-term health of your oak trees. By ensuring rapid healing and minimizing the risk of infection and infestation, you are helping your trees to thrive. Healthy oak trees not only look beautiful but also contribute to a robust and diverse ecosystem in your yard or garden.


Trimming your oaks in the summer is a wise choice for many reasons. The enhanced sap flow during warmer months facilitates faster healing, reducing the risk of infections and infestations. Summer trimming also reduces stress on the tree and helps maintain its aesthetic and structural integrity. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your oak trees remain healthy, strong, and beautiful for years to come.

818) 952-5300

So, call Flintridge Tree Care to give your oak trees the care they deserve this summer. Your trees will thank you for it!

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